Lesson plan and photography competition winners at Turkish school

“Scenario and Photography Competition” administered by Yusuf Ziya Oner Science High School, participation by state/private school all over Turkey which is for the European Union Erasmus+ project between 07.12.2015 and  29.02.2016 on the subject of “Volcanos and Earthquakes in Turkey and the World” is concluded and the winners are listed below:

Best scenario winner:

1-Gizem EKŞİ, “Holding on to Life” in English [download], in Turkish [download]

Best photography winners:

1-        Yigit KARAKAYA, “Erciyes Mountain through the eyes of Cappadocia” [download]

2-        Fatih AKCAKOCA, “The Green Lake” [download]

3-        Musa DEMIR, “Charms” [download]

4-        Ayse CELIK, “The most beautiful and enchanted city of silence, Cappadocia”