Open House Day at Liceo Scientifico “Galileo Galilei”
On 23rd January 2016, at Liceo Scientifico “Galileo Galilei” open house, parents, students-to-be and general public have been welcomed to meet school staff, get information and familiarize with the school courses, curricula and facilities. International food, project presentations, sports and drama activities have been held to get prospective students acquainted. Amongst the many informal events which have been taking place, a group of students participating in the Erasmus+ project “Trail of Extinct and Active Volcanoes and Earthquakes across Europe” have received lots of parents and their middle school children to explain the aim of the project and the work program. They have presented the school international partners, the students exchanges and teacher training activities, and illustrated the products they are going to create. Also, they have shown the project website and simulated a volcano eruption with the model they have made.