Open House Day at Italian school.
It has been a true community day at Liceo Scientifico “Galileo Galilei” on 14th January 2017 when the open house was held. Parents, students-to-be and general public have been welcomed to meet school staff, get information and familiarize with the school curricula, courses and school facilities. Project presentations, sports activities have been organized to get prospective students acquainted. Tasty food from Britain, the USA, France and Spain cooked by students and teachers was offered the visitors. Amongst the many events which have taken place a group of students in the Erasmus+ team KA2 “Trail of Extinct and Active Volcanoes and Earthquakes across Europe” have received parents and their middle school children to explain the European dimension of the project, its aim and the year’s work program.They have presented the school international partners, the pupils’ short term training and exchanges and all the scientific seminars and labs. They have illustrated the products they have already released and what they are going to do this school year and in the year to come.
What’s more, they have shown the project website and the educational platform, they have displayed a volcano eruption simulation using a volcano model they had made, and simulated different effects of quake strikes on the buildings.
[pdf version] – full report of Mr Ciro De Rosa